Meet the New Dragon Wes Hall
We're thrilled to announce a new Dragon for the newest season of Dragons’ Den: Wes Hall! WES IS THE FIXER. From giant mergers and acquisitions at the top of [...]
Winning Bidder Approved for Oak Bay Lodge Demolition
Despite a last-ditch call for the vacant buildings to be used for housing, the Capital Regional Hospital District (CRHD) board voted to take the next steps in creating [...]
Building Back Better: Preparing Businesses for the New Normal
By Suzanne Bernier, CEM, CBCP, MBCI, CMCP Senior Emergency Management Specialist, QM Environmental “Stop saying ‘back to normal.’ Instead of wanting the past back, want the future [...]
QM Environmental concludes project at the University of Victoria (UVic)
In January 2020, The University of Victoria (UVic), one of Canada's most prestigious universities, announced the beginning of an ambitious project to renovate its housing facilities. [...]
Recent Hires QM Environmental January 2021
Today at QM, we want to welcome three of our most recent hires: Antonio Bruno, Director, Demolition Group [email protected] With more than 26 years of [...]
Colouring Books Help Young PAGC Kids Deal With Three Difficult Life Issues
The Kookum and Kids colouring books were presented to the Prince Albert Grand Council executive on September 29. In the photo from left to right are: Al Ducharme, [...]